Tuesday, December 20, 2022

what im thankful for

 What im thankful for is probably specifically the chance to go to this school. I think this school made me realize a lot and helped me appreciate alot more in the long run so im really happy w that. Ive had a lot more time to appreciate the things i can work for to give for my family back in return and etc.10 Best Local Food from Los Angeles - Famous Food Locals Love to Eat in Los  Angeles – Go Guides

Monday, December 19, 2022

Favorite things

My favorite person in my life right now has to probably be my sister right now. we use to not be able to get along but now im just always w her. My favorite christmas song is probably https://youtu.be/ZnDmmiiFSUU . My favorite website is nitro type or hbo to watch tv on. 

Thursday, December 15, 2022

favorite superhero

my favorite superhero has to be probably Dr strange because his powers are pretty insane. Getting to open other dimensions and time and just etc is pretty cool and even his background story. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

furthest ive traveled

 the furthest ive traveled is like san francisco for camping. I went there for camping during august i don't remember where exactly we went but after we went camping we went to go see the golden gate bridge and yeah it was a pretty cool experience and the air quality was definitely more richer over there.

Friday, December 9, 2022

How i got to hillside

 I think that i was always suppose to go to this school and that this situation that made me go to hillside was just the last chance to prove that. The situtation involved a fight and weaponary included later on but was not involved in a fight and my credits were bad so i knew that i just needed to go to a secluded school and really stay to my self so i really fought hard to come here instead of chaffey west and my mental health and just grades  and everything in general just boosted and im happy to be in hillside

Thursday, December 8, 2022


Best day of my life

 best day of my life was probably went i had went too six flags for my birthday and i had went on every ride that day and it was my first time being on an actual rollercoaster and truly enjoying it

Friday, December 2, 2022


 My week was pretty good i made some money and making some more this weekend so pretty happy about that and then school has ben good as well really easy and good paste.

Is technology useful?

  Is technology useful? i think it is to expand a lot in ur research with a lot due to the internet having so much access. This Ai helped me...